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Public authorities

Following the new impetus given to the National Industry Council (CNI) by the Government on November 20, 2017, the CNI's executive committee has decided on a list of 18 Strategic Sector Committees (CSF), including the Nuclear CSF. The CSFN has a transverse action with the French public authorities including the Ministry of Energy Transition, the Ministry of Economy and Finance etc. The CNI's executive committee, chaired by the Prime Minister, establishes the strategic orientations of the nuclear industry.

Public Authorities logos


Strategic Committee for the French Nuclear Industry

In accordance with the direction given by the CNI, the French nuclear industry has drawn up an action plan based on structuring projects, in the form of an industry contract. The current CSFN office was set up in the first half of 2018, in a tripartite configuration with public authorities, industry and social partners.



Université des Métiers du Nucléaire

The UMN was launched in April 2021 and it supports local and national projects, scholarships for young people in initial training: 50 scholarships have been awarded for the year 2021/2022 and 200 scholarships for 2022/2023.

Logo UMN